Dear February,

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We did it! January’s done, and – I hope you’ll agree – it was relatively painless. Despite saying I would ease myself into the new year, things were no less busy and exciting. After months of hard work, long nights, and spending as much time with friends and family as possible, we have finally moved to Australia and are settling in. We’ve been out exploring different neighbourhoods, and we’ve had lots of coffee and so many sandwiches in and around Melbourne. It truly fills my soul.

Feb moodboard

February means pancake day, and this year, I feel like it’s coming in early on the 13th, and I’m already scouting out places to get my pancake hit. I’m excited to finally try a cold plunge this month and take my recovery seriously. I’ve opened up a bit on TikTok about my struggles burning out. I’ll go into more detail on this soon, but February for me is focused on listening to my body, treating it with respect and kindness and building strength and endurance, leading into marathon training. There will be a lot more wellness content coming your way, and I’m excited to experiment and try new things. So far, my experience in Australia is that wellness treatments seem much more accessible and affordable. In 2024, expect to see me getting more facials and less trainers.
That said, February means fashion week, and I’m still getting my head around how fashion works in Australia. Are we behind or ahead? Either way, I’ll keep an eye out, and I’m excited to dive into some charity shops as they seem really big out in the suburbs.

I know I was a little quiet again in January, but I took the month to reflect and plan my year with intention; this deep work led to me coining 2024, my Healthy, Wealthy and Happy year. As I mentioned, we’ve done a lot of exploring in January, and honestly, my average step count for the month is over 20K.
My biggest lesson in January is if you go running in Australia and think you’ve put enough SPF on, put some more on! I somehow forgot to SPF one shoulder, resulting in a lobster shoulder and an emergency purchase of Aloe Vera.
I fell in love with yoga again and will spend February mixing up my training with running, yoga and pilates.
I’ve learned that, in Melbourne anyway, Australians take sandwiches seriously, and they are incredible at it! At this point, we just run until we’re hungry, find a deli, and order away, but of course, the highlight is the coffee.

February is moving month for us, and I’m excited to tick off my dream goal of living by the beach.
What are you excited about in the upcoming weeks? Let me know in the comments.
Have a fabulous February,

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