Running Towards Your Dreams: How to Manifest Your Perfect Marathon

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Hey there, and welcome. At the start of this year, I said I would be talking more about my manifestation journey and how I’m incorporating it into all aspects of my life, so today, we are diving into how you can bring your manifestation journey into your running journey.

If you haven’t already, I would seriously suggest reading Seven Steps to Manifest by Roxie Nafousi; I have read this multiple times, sometimes from start to finish, and other times, I dip in where I need to. It is also the backbone of how I structure my manifestation journey and the basis for what I’m going to talk about below. Please note I do not take any credit for this I’m just talking you through the fabulous steps put together by the manifestation guru herself, Roxie, and how I am using them to make my marathon dreams a reality.

Running mood board

Step 1: Be Clear on Your Vision

Picture this: you, conquering the race of a lifetime with the wind in your hair and a smile. Before you hit the pavement, take a moment to set your intentions. What do you want to achieve in this marathon? The vision may seem obvious to run 42.2k and still be standing, but how do you want to feel at the end of it? What is your why? Knowing the answer to these questions will strengthen your determination and help you stay focused when motivation has deserted you.

Step 2: Release Your Fears

Face it, running a marathon can be scary stuff. Will I finish? Can I push through the pain? But guess what? Fear is just a four-letter word (literally). It will hold it back if you let it, but if you follow all the steps here, then you will have enough confidence and trust in yourself (and the universe) that you can do this. Fear will always be a big emotion when it comes to race day (funny, it’s never around when you’re booking the race); here’s my advice: feel the fear and do it anyway. Be aware of your thoughts, switch the language and show fear who’s in control.

Step 2.5: Self-Love
I know there’s no step 2.5, but given Roxie puts self-love straight after Letting go of fear and doubt, I’m making it step 2.5. Self-love is a HUGE part of any manifestation journey and, for me, the biggest area of focus. I try to incorporate multiple self-love practices into my day, whether at work or on a long-run day. To learn how I bring self-love into my running, read this post here. If you want to know more about how I incorporate self-love into my day-to-day life, leave a comment below, and I’ll write a whole post (or ten) on this.

Step 3: Take Inspired Action

I think this is the most essential step to manifesting in your running journey. Manifestation isn’t all rainbows and unicorns – you’ve gotta put in the work, too. As strong as it is to visualise the event, going through the actions you need to put in the miles leading up to the race. Lace-up those running shoes, hit the trails, and show the universe you mean business. Follow a plan, respect yourself, fuel, hydrate and rest. Every step you take is a step closer to your dream, so don’t hold back.

Step 4: Overcoming tests

Sometimes, in the manifestation process, it’s not always easy to see the tests coming at you from the universe. In running, it’s a little bit more obvious. Let’s face it: running is hard; even easy runs aren’t always easy mentally. Each run presents its own challenges mentally and physically, and by pushing through, listening to your body pushing when you can push through and pulling it back when you need to, you learn how to deal with different situations and how to deal with them on race day. Training is the hardest part of running a marathon; race day is the reward. By sticking to your plan and honouring yourself, you show the universe, yourself and spectators that you want this. You’re determined, and there’s no test you can’t overcome.

Step 5: Practice Gratitude

Gratitude is like the secret sauce of manifestation. As you log those miles and feel the burn, remember to be thankful for every step of the journey. Whether it’s a gorgeous sunrise on your morning run or the feeling of accomplishment after a challenging workout, gratitude will keep those good vibes flowing.

Step 6: Turn Envy into Inspiration
When you’re in the zone and focused on your plan, blocking everyone out is easy, and it’s just you and the run. However, when you kick off your trainers, shower, eat and finally rest, it’s easy to get bombarded with TikTok videos of people casually out for a 32k run when you only ran 20k (even though your plan said 23k). It’s easy to look at the stats people post, see their average pace, and realise it’s more than a minute faster than yours. Don’t let the envy get to you; reframe your thoughts and turn that envy into inspiration and something you can push yourself towards. For some of us, super quick times will never be our thing, but if you are interested in becoming quicker, think about what that looks like for you and see if the people you’re following have any tangible tips you can incorporate into your training. At the end of the day, you will be running your own race, and you should be proud of yourself regardless.
Side note on socials: I am pro turning envy into inspiration; however, if every time someone’s page comes up, you instantly feel bad about yourself (or like you should immediately go out and spend money on green powder and expensive trainers to be like them), please unfollow. It’s not the end of the world, and no one should be making you feel bad about yourself, especially when you’ve come so far.

Step 7: Trust the Process

Neither marathons nor manifestations are a sprint; they take time, energy and effort. Trust that the universe has your back, and believe that every hurdle you face is a stepping stone to your success. Embrace the journey, sweat, blisters and all, then watch the magic happen.

Final note: Celebrate Your Wins

I touched on this in my post about running and self-love, and it’s becoming my favourite part of the process. Whether it’s a personal best time or simply finishing a tough training run, celebrate every win along the way. You’re a manifestation marathon queen, and you deserve to be your own biggest cheerleader. Treat yourself to some post-run self-care, coffee pastries and pizza because you’re crushing it!

Post run treats

I hope you enjoyed this post and found it helpful; whether you’re running a 5k, 10k half or Ultra, there’s something here that can help us all when running to be the best version of ourselves.
Don’t forget to comment below and let me know what you think.

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